Ballads, Song & Snatches .....

 Ballads, Songs & Snatches

St Matthew's Church, Chichester Road, Croydon, CR0 5NQ

Saturday 13th November, 2021

Concert starts at 19:30

Tickets available on the door.



If you want to know who we are                                                       Chorus

On the day that I was wedded                                                           Yvonne

I once was a very abandoned person                                                George / Jan

Hark! The hour of ten is sounding                                                     Chorus

The sun whose rays                                                                              Emma

I am the very model of a modern Major General                           Jon / Chorus

Take a pair of sparkling eyes                                                              Jacob

Cheerily carols the lark                                                                       Liz

Climbing over rocky mountains                                                         Liz / Mel / Chorus

Poor wandering one                                                                            Emma / Chorus

Our great Mikado                                                                                Stephen / Chorus

Then one of us will be a Queen                                                         Emma / Sue / Stephen / George

When first my old, old love                                                                Jacob / Chorus

When our gallant Norman foes                                                         Yvonne / Chorus

If Sapphire I choose to marry                                                             Liz / Rosalyn / Stephen / George /Jacob

Dance a Cachucha                                                                                Chorus




Ring forth ye bells                                                                               Chorus

Welcome joy                                                                                        Yvonne / George

Prithee pretty maiden                                                                        Emma / Stephen

When a felon’s not engaged                                                              Sid / Chorus

Long years ago                                                                                    Emma / Yvonne

Fair moon                                                                                             Jacob

I’m called little Buttercup                                                                  Sue

Tripping hither                                                                                    Mel / Rosalyn / Chorus

Strange adventure                                                                              Liz / Sue / Stephen / George

When the foeman bears his steel                                                    George / Emma / Liz / Jon / Chorus

When I good friends                                                                           Jon / Chorus

Madrigal – Ruddigore                                                                         Emma / Yvonne / Stephen / George 

Once more Gondolieri                                                                        Chorus

This is the programme for the concert.  If you love the music of Gilbert & Sullivan, you'll enjoy tonight's concert.  There's something to suit everybody.  Come along for a fun filled evening.  We hope to see you there.

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